Your first visit takes about 30-40 minutes. It includes paperwork, a chiropractic examination, a history of your present and past symptoms, and a full chiropractic treatment. We discover who you are and what brought you to us. We talk a little about what chiropractic is and how it works. 


The chiropractic examination includes orthopedic and neurological tests designed to see how you move and how your brain and body coordinate activities. It is a series of bending, turning, testing muscle strength against resistance, and reflex testing. We look at how your muscles are balanced (or not) from right to left sides, and how muscles group work in coordination with each other or against each other. We check every vertebra through hands-on palpation, through a series of push, pull, turn, and bend challenges.  We even check elbows, ankles, hips, and wrists every time, and will check your jaw, shoulder, knees, and whatever other joints you tell us about. No need to "gown-up" - the entire exam is done as you are dressed when you come to see us.


We spend a portion of time talking about you. Discovering how you have spent your years help us understand what has contributed to your present concerns. We look for patterns, either past or current, that have a causal effect. Barring a major traumatic injury, most problems that bring people into our chiropractic office have had chronic contributions from your past. Have you had these problems in the past, but now they happen with stronger symptoms, hang around a little longer than before, or come with more frequency? Patterns. It's what we look for so we can help you stop them.


The chiropractic "adjustment" is a push, pull, or turn done to those joints of the spine or limbs that we discover aren't moving as they should. We are like mechanics of the body. Once a joint starts to move as it was intended, it takes the burden of overwork off the joints and muscles surrounding it. Flexibility is slowly restored and pain quickly departs. But that is hardly the end of the story. The restoration of the function of the various joints effects how the aging process of those joints will proceed, how the nervous system directly under the joints will function, and how much time you will spend feeling either vitality or reduction in the quality of your life. 


Your second visit includes your next, follow-up chiropractic adjustment session and the "report of findings" - everything discovered on your first visit is put into a clear and well-explained package of information. You will understand what chiropractic is and why we do chiropractic care, what your diagnosis is, what your therapy plan is, and how long it should take to correct the problems causing the symptoms. 


Your "Treatment Plan" is an individualized plan based on your presenting condition. There is NO one-size-fits-all approach to your care. Treatment plans can range from several days to several weeks. We keep our treatment plans short, sweet, and ever-so simple. 


You will be given things you can do outside of the office to help yourself get better faster. We also teach you ways to prevent many injuries from continuing to occur.