Our mission is simple. As providers of chiropractic care, we heal nothing. We are not pain doctors. What we do is support a system already naturally and inherently in place in your body: your nervous system. When the spine is strategically adjusted, joint fixations are corrected. By removing these interferences and inhibiting factors, chiropractors allow the "motherboards" of your body, your central nervous system, to come back on-line fully and do what it does best; to self-regulate and self-heal naturally, from the inside out. No drugs. No surgery. Chiropractic delivers safe and highly-effective, painless care. Think of chiropractic as the body's mechanical and technical support team. 

Chiropractic Care

Massage Therapy 30-Minute Sessions

Also offered within our office by licensed professionals:

Counseling Services with Lindsay Oswald, Soulshine Counseling, 803-603-7881

Acupuncture with Cari Chee, Jade Acupuncture, 864-841-8078

Massage Therapy with Ryan Holmes,

Counseling Services with Michelle